Home Authors Miracle Minded Manager: John J Murphy

Miracle Minded Manager: John J Murphy

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A Modern – Day Parable about How to Apply A Course In Miracles in Business

By Best Selling Author: John J Murphy

Jack MacDonald, president of TYPCO, is trying to transform his company. He’s hit a roadblock with defensive direct reports and antiquated systems that no longer serve the organization. Unsure of how to continue, he turns to business consultant and mentor Jordan Mckay, who has helped Jack with other management challenges in the past.

Jack is surprised that instead of suggesting practical business tactics, Jordan encourages him to try A Course in Miracles to open his mind and let go of ego. Though at first he’s reluctant, Jack and his wife, Judy, begin to follow the course. The personal and professional results are life-changing.

Applying the course helps Jack resolve problems at TYPCO, but he soon experiences transformations in all areas of his life: from family relationships to his daily stress levels. It also serves him well during one of the most personal trials of his life.

 Readers will learn along with Jack that miracles spread across all areas of life, if only we open ourselves up to faith.

John J Murphy

In 1988 by John Murphy founded  Venture Management Consultants, Inc., a network of world class consultants, educators, practitioners and mentors. We specialize in helping people and organizations worldwide achieve and sustain peak performance through effective deployment, development and implementation of best practice techniques. Our services include leadership education and mentoring, change design and management, team training and development, and inspirational presentations and workshops.

John Murphy has delivered services to dozens of leading organizations worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies and the United States government. Our highly flexible, client-focused business model is customized to the pull of our customers. We start by clarifying value in the eyes of the client. We then deliver what is needed in a highly specialized, cost effective way, using only the most qualified resources necessary to complete the assignment honestly, accurately and on time — no excess, no unnecessary waste — a level of quality and service that only the best have come to expect

All too often, organizations implementing operational excellence (OE) do so without addressing the human and cultural implications of such a change strategy. They conduct studies, move equipment, reduce work in process, collocate employees and change measurement systems, all focusing on minimizing waste and improving the flow of value through the value stream, but they overlook the human impact of these changes, the mindset and belief system that must accompany it. As a result, they find themselves “reworking” the initiative, an unfortunate and wasteful irony. Be it manufacturing, service,  administration or product development, the result is the same. Without clear understanding, buy-in and commitment, the initiative does not lead to sustained culture change. It simply fades into history as another “flavor of the month.”

Recognized as an international expert on leading culture change, John Murphy helps organizations address this issue head on. The author of 18 books on related topics, and a guest on over 500 radio and television stations, Murphy teaches leaders worldwide how to integrate the culture piece (of OE) with the systems, structural, and “tools” components. Approaching the change process with an integrated strategy leads to powerful, measurable, sustainable results.

John’s Website is https://www.johnjmurphy.org/

Book Reviews

“Society has reached a tipping point where we can no longer pretend that happiness will be achieved solely by attaining outer success. If the business world does not incorporate spirituality, then stress-related illness, depression, and even hopelessness will overtake our lives. As author John Murphy states so aptly in this monumental book, ‘It often takes a certain amount of suffering before people are ready to challenge the ego and open up to the Truth.’ Before your personal suffering becomes too great, I urge you to join Jack, the miracle- minded manager, ‘with humility and an open mind,’ on his miraculous journey to discovering how anyone can live true success, happiness, and, most of all, peace of mind and how you can share what you’ve discovered with those you love so that their lives can also be miraculous.” — Debra Poneman, bestselling author and founder of Yes to Success Seminars, Inc.

“I know John Murphy personally and what he shares in this book is far more than theory and entertainment. It is how he lives his life. John is one of the most authentic people I have ever met in my lifetime. He is also one of the most creative, intriguing, and inspiring people I know. He lives in peace and brings hope and peace to everyone with whom he interacts. He is by far one of the most effective business consultants I have ever met, and his ability to integrate business and spirituality is beyond anything I have experienced in my forty-five plus years as a business executive, advisor, and consultant. John is uniquely intuitive while using his proven processes and lessons to upgrade the performance of those he guides. We need the lessons in Miracle Minded Manager now more than ever. His teachings have personally transformed my life as a friend, husband, father, grandfather, business executive, and advisor. I am so very grateful for this book and the work John is doing.” — A. P. “Skip” Aldridge III, founder, president, and CEO of Head of Sales Consulting, Inc

“This book has come at the perfect time. I see leaders and managers seeking ways to manage stress and let go of limiting beliefs everywhere I go. In an intriguing and brilliant manner, John offers us a profound alternative, a true paradigm shift in the field of leadership and human behavior. He teaches that managing stress doesn’t eliminate it because it doesn’t get to the root cause—the ego thought-system. We can diet and exercise and meditate and work harder, but until we transcend the fear-based ego, we will never delete the stress. It will just keep coming back, and we will never feel truly fearless and free. This is the shift we as leaders must make to move people from a fear-based mindset and culture to one that is genuinely inspirational. Thank you, John, for giving us this book.” — Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times bestselling author of Triggers, MOJO, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

Miracle Minded Manager is a manual on living a happy and purpose-filled life in business and beyond. We are in an age where learning how to forgive, to communicate effectively, to contemplate, and to change things for the better are essential for human growth. John eloquently uses storytelling to bring the reader into a world of a struggling and stressed-out executive. Using helpful conversations and A Course in Miracles, the main character transcends what used to hinder him and rises to the occasion of president, happy and stress-free. His happiness comes from within, extends to his family and out into his business life. The story is nothing short of miraculous but also extremely relatable and actionable for any reader to understand and apply. I see this book as the new Way of the Peaceful Warrior but for business and family. I highly recommend this book to business teams, individuals, and even families who want to bring more peace, collaboration and organization to their business and their life.” — Britney Shawley, founder and CEO of Whole & Healthy Kitchen, visionary, and teacher at Miracles of Mind

John Murphy’s book Miracle Minded Manager is a great read and provides a provocative system that balances the material world of business with your soul. A Course in Miracles is a way of seeing the world through divine purpose. Murphy takes those ideals and shows you with examples how to balance your everyday work with your spiritual practice.” — Lynn Andrews, New York Times bestselling author of the Medicine Woman series

Miracle Minded Manager offers those in business a new way of looking at the world and a revolutionary system of thought and action. It’s a practical approach to business using [A Course in Miracles].” — David Hoffmeister, author of Awakening through A Course in Miracles

Miracle Minded Manager is John Murphy’s best effort. The author moves you into an entirely unique and powerful dimension using A Course in Miracles as the foundation for describing the spiritual process needed for any person who truly seeks meaningful change in their personal and professional life. The genius of Murphy’s effort comes in the easy-to-understand storyline he uses to show in practical terms how to discover your own spirituality while assisting others you live and work with. Miracle Minded Manager delivers a true-life look into the daily issues each of us face and provides a practical road map for helping every business executive improve their culture from fear-based to inspired and fearless. As a founder and CEO of a high growth organization, I highly recommend Miracle Minded Manager to any executive with the courage to seek truth and meaningful change for themselves and their organization.” — Dan Barcheski, founder and CEO of Axios HR

Miracle Minded Manager is far more than a book on management. It is a book on life. We strive so hard to achieve ego-based results in both our professional and personal capacities. In the process, we create a stress-filled life for ourselves. Through his gifted storytelling, John Murphy describes how to achieve peace and happiness outside the office, and at the same time, he artfully explains how to take those concepts into the workplace to build a stronger, more collaborative culture and team that achieves great results with reduced stress. It sounds too good to be true and perhaps even miraculous. But the teachings in this wonderful book make perfect sense. I know from personal experience, a leader who is at peace and empowers his team as Miracle Minded Manager teaches, also empowers his team to achieve great things. I have urged my family to read it. I cannot give it a higher endorsement.” — Gary Garfield, retired chairman, president and CEO of Bridgestone Americas, Inc.

Miracle Minded Manager is a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their business or their life in general. John Murphy goes beyond standard business models to a completely different level—the only level at which real, lasting change takes place. He explains why numerous plans to create success don’t work—because they try to solve the problem from the same thought-system that caused the problem. Miracle Minded Manager uses the principles of A Course in Miracles, which has healed millions of lives. As a psychotherapist for over 35 years, I have seen rapid transformations that if addressed from my previous psychological training would have taken years longer to accomplish. John Murphy has applied this new vision to the business world in an easy-to-read and understandable novel. Miracle Minded Manager contains numerous practical techniques to shift personal and workplace attitudes. Shifts in beliefs and attitudes provide the underlying impetus to grow and evolve, as opposed to behavioral changes that only address surface issues.” — Lorri Coburn, MSW, author of Breaking Free and co-editor of A Course in Miracles and…,

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